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- Muhammad Nazizi Izwan
- Hello there~ Just wanna make some information about cabal online game So enjoy~
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Cabal monster in all map
this Data is all monster . If you want to search faster ,
you want to choose " Monster in ______ maps "
Bloody Ice
Located in noth Midless, when discovered there was no survivor found from coal mine. It is a Battle colony and due to brutal cold it?s covered with mammmals, undead requently appears.
Nipper Lug
Lv. 1 HP:65
Lives in Cold Areas and Attacks using sharp front legs. But not that much ot threa
RabithornLv. 1 HP:65
Lives in Cold Areas and Attacks using sharp front legs. But not that much ot threa
Lv.3 HP:104
Weakest of its type but if you think they are easy to deal with, you will be surprised
Lv.5 HP:143
Quite dangerous monster that uses powerful front legs to hunt for preys
Lv.7 HP:182
Has very sharp claws, sometimes hides its self in snow.
Zombie Maid
Lv.9 HP:280
Monster that has twisted body, it quietly approaches to travelers
ZombieLv.9 HP:280
Monster that has twisted body, it quietly approaches to travelers
Lv.12 HP:221
Monster that has massive power and uses huge hummer and nail to attack
Lynxhorn Zombie
Lv. 15 HP:338
Ringshon that changed into Zombie. It?s more of threat.
Lv. 15 HP:338
Ringshon that changed into Zombie. It?s more of threat.
Lynxhorn Zombie Leader
Lv. 20 HP:436
Leader of Ringshon Zombie. Just think it as most powerful mamma of its group
Lv. 27 HP:572
Monstrol taht only left with bones. Wears victims clothing and waits for lost travelers.
Skeleton Warrior
Lv.30 HP:642
Same type as skeleton but warriors that uses powerful skills to attack.
Skeleton Mage
Lv.31 HP:455
Skeleton but uses powerful magic to attack
Lv.34 HP:496
has stories that it kidnapped small kids.Uses Magic stick to create flame to attack the enemy.
Hound Zombie
Lv.37 HP:767
Dumped dogs that changed into zombie
Pantherhorn Zombie
Lv.40 HP:826
Pantherhon that only left with bones and leather. Since it has no sense of life it is a great theat
Ape( Ape+ 1846 )
Lv. 41 HP: 845
stands using huge arms. Therefore movement is fast and offence power is great.
Ape Zombie
Lv. 44 HP:904
Some Apes transfers into Zombie that has no mercy. Be aware
Ghost ( Ghost+ 2648 )
Lv. 50 HP:1021
Wonders around entrance of land of Dead. Hate every living being.
Lv. 60 HP: 1021
only spirit is left and exist as shadow but its existence threatens evry living being.
Desert Scream
Effrontery continent, Battle Colony that located inPelis Desert . Villege built on closed oil filed but while in process of exploring surround area they discovered ruins. Habitation of many different types of deformed creatures.
Lv. 1 HP: 65
Has large ears and it?s very cautious. Attacks while standing on two feet.
Giant Beetle
Lv.3 HP:104
Hides below ground and attacks enemy using horns.
Red Gally
Lv.5 HP:143
Offenslve Red Galy. Uses powferful hind feet.
Gally Captain
Lv.7 HP:127
Galy that uses magic Hangs around red Galy.
Desert Fox
Lv.9 HP:221
Fox that lives in Desert. It uses sharp claws to attack enemies to leave deep wounds.
Desert hound
Lv.12 HP:280
Skinny as bone. Always looking for possible preys.
Effrontery continent, Battle Colony that located in
Lv. 1 HP: 65
Has large ears and it?s very cautious. Attacks while standing on two feet.
Giant Beetle
Lv.3 HP:104
Hides below ground and attacks enemy using horns.
Red Gally
Lv.5 HP:143
Offenslve Red Galy. Uses powferful hind feet.
Gally Captain
Lv.7 HP:127
Galy that uses magic Hangs around red Galy.
Desert Fox
Lv.9 HP:221
Fox that lives in Desert. It uses sharp claws to attack enemies to leave deep wounds.
Desert hound
Lv.12 HP:280
Skinny as bone. Always looking for possible preys.
Giant Snake
Lv.15 HP:?( Black Snake HP:1028 )
When you are crossing desert always be cautious of them, since they look alike sand you don?t know they could make a surprise attack.
Huge BeetleLv.15 HP:?( Black Snake HP:1028 )
When you are crossing desert always be cautious of them, since they look alike sand you don?t know they could make a surprise attack.
Lv. 18 HP:397
Mutated giant beatle. They developed iron like shell.
Lv. 21 HP:455
Attacks enemy using sharp back shell by rolling forward.(Arumaku+ HP:988)
Lv. 24 HP:514
It is mammal that originally lives in water. Occationally you can find trace them place to place.
Lv. 27 HP:572
looks as it just came out of a grave. Drags its leg arounds but when it attacks in a instant.
Mummy Blader
Lv.30 HP:631
Warrior who watched over Tomb of Mummy. Expert in handing two blades.
Mummy Warrior
Lv.31 HP:650
Attacks enemy with a coffin on its shoulder. Filled with rage.
Lv.34 HP:709
crawls about using its claws on its wings. Attack using spinning tail.
Lv.37 HP:767
Crawl about using four feet. It flys briefly to stomp enemy using threatening hind feet.
Clay Gargoyle
Lv.40 HP:826
There is story that life got inspired to crafted mud. Fly briefly to attack the enemy.
Antra Lug
Lv. 50 HP:859
Live inside the desert sand. Attacking enemy by spiting out strong acid.
Lug Queen
Lv. 60 HP:1459
Uses a poison stinger and Spurt out flame to attack enemy
Green Despair
Pastru Continenet. Located in deep inside great forest. Originally natives and mammals inhabited. As you go deeper into forest stronger mutated mammals and insects appears.
Lv.1 HP:65
attacking using fore feet that looks like a sickle. It not that much of threat.
Lv.3 HP:104
attacks using kicks but doesn?t look much threat to anyone. They were known as very peaceful mammal
Troglo fighter
Lv.5 HP:143
They are Evolved troglos that carries blunt wood en stick.
Elder Troglo
Lv.7 HP: 127
Throws a coconuts to attack enemies. It is more of threat than assult.
Troglo Warrior
Lv.9 HP:221
its body is small but carries large club. Do not under estimate them.
Dire Boar
Lv.12 HP:280
it has mutated back hair that helps to disguise ti self. It has big appetite.
Plant Toad
Lv. 15 HP:338
Eats mutated vegetation and spurts out poison gas from its back
Lv. 18 HP:397
approaches quickly to attack enemy using its hones on hands.
Highzard HP: 988
Mosscutter+ HP:1808
Panther Horn
Lv. 21 HP: 420
it has distinctive hones its head. Attacks enemy by jumps or collide enemy using hones.
Plant Pantherhorn
Lv. 24 HP:514
recent appearance and their body is covered with vegetation.
Giant Spider
Lv. 24 HP:514
attacks using powerful fore legs and jaws.
Huge Spider
Lv.30 HP:631
Stronger and larger giant Spider. Seems as mammals are evolving quickly.
Lv.40 HP:750
attacks travelers using points fore legs to collect nutritions.
Bitter leaf
Lv.44 HP:904
Attacks by Spouting out poison from its mouse and bites using claws.
Lv.47 HP:962
Uses bladed front legs and poison singers to attack enemy.
Wriggle leaf
Lv. 50 HP:1200
Tree that attacks enemy by swinging nuts that is hard as iron.
Mosquito Queen
Lv. 60 HP:1459
attack anything that is a threat to her eggs.
Port Lux
Small volcanic island used to hold prisoners. The island got larger day by day due to volcanic activity. The land established as battle colony by armies of Tower of wise men.
Crag Turtle
Lv. 51 HP: 874
lives in grass land of Excilian island. Turtle that has hard shell that looks and feels like a rock.
Crag Crop
Lv 52 HP:1271
Hard shelled monster. Uses its large claws to attack enemies.
Crag Toad
Lv. 53 HP:1295
As you get close to Toad, it spouts out poison gas and if you start to run it whips enemy using its long tougue.
Lv. 54 HP: 1317
bird that has homs that looks like the ones on deer and attacks enemy using homs in midair
Bug shark (Bug shark+ 2964)
Lv. 56 HP:1365
it has sharp horn on its back and uses Cross hummer to attack.
Bug Dolphy
Lv. 57 HP: 1388
Carries large Axe and shield that looks lide shell fish?s shell.
Stone Gargoyle
Lv. 58 HP:1412
looks of evil from hell. If you are not confident. Try to avoid it.
Lv.59 HP:1435
You can see broken bones sticking out of skin. Also bites so be cautioned.
Phantom Walker
Lv. 61 HP:1037
hovers around area and attacks enemy by sword or throwing daggers.
Phantom Crew
Lv. 62 HP:1054
ghost crews of a shipwreck rose above port Lux.
Flame Hound
Lv. 63 HP:1529
Body is covered with flame. It been attacked it feels like victims it self also feels like covered with flame.
Dark Soldier
Lv. 64 HP: 1552
Thickly dark smoke supports rusty old armor. When attacked scatters little bit.
Stone Golem
Lv. 67 HP:1622
Bock it self. If you stare at distance it looks as moving rocky.
Dark Blader
Lv. 70 HP:1693
warrior been christened with darkness. Controls power of darkness.
Fort. Ruina
The fifth special colony that was built within the ruins of the Honorable Age at the far south of Pastur. Currently it is known to be the most dangerous colony, and only authorized people can enter there.
Auto Cannon-Op
An unidentified machine that is supposed to be made for patrolling purposes. Take heed of its detector.
Hound S-01
A mechanical desert hound that is way stronger than a normal one.
Mecha Ape
A Midreth Ape that was victimized by a mechanical experiment. It is stronger and more violent than a normal Ape.
Mecha Ape Archer
An Ape Archer that was victimized by a mechanical experiment. It does powerful melee attacks as well as long-range attacks.
An advanced combat machine. Beware of its beam attacks.
Mecha Buffalo
A machine buffalo that is stronger than a normal one. It runs into its enemy with a steel-like horn.
Electric Bird
A member of renowned Metal Clan that even has appeared in the continent. Be forewarned that it uses lightning to attack.
A mechanical creature with powerful whip arms that can be extended an extremely long distance.
Auto Cannon-Ex
An unidentified combat machine that is made solely for destruction. Take heed of its attacks, as it approaches enemies without any pre-warnings.
Undead Ground* It's impossible to confirm the map code of this Map.
There look like Bloody Ice
Lihorn Zombie
A giant creature that keeps the Undead Ground entrance from intruders
Ghost Blader
An enraged ghost blader that attacks intruders by throwing a big blade. Be forewarned that it can sense enemies from afar.
Zombie Fighter
A crippled zombie with two iron hammers.
Zombie Slater
A zombie in a stout armor that carries axes with animal heads attached on the top.
Zombie Knight
A well-armored undead knight.
Berserk Ghoul
A ghoul with many broken bones that are sticking out of the body. Port Lux ghoul cannot be a comparison to this one for violence.
Vampire Servant
A loyal servant that keeps the Vampire Farm from intruders.
Death Soldier
A possessed armor that wields a spear to punish intruders.
Death Giant
A hellish undead giant with two horns on its head that wields an enormous hammer to punish intruders.
The most powerful creature among the unnamed monsters in Undead Ground.
A ghost that appears with horrifying laughter.
Forgetten Ruin
* It's impossible to confirm the map code of this Map
There look like Desert Scream
Stone Beetle
A fierce beetle whose body is covered with stone shell.
Fire Beetle
A mutant Stone Beetle that has lava running through its veins. Be forewarned to be not burned by touching it.
Giant Scorpion
Rumor has it that there has been no survivor from this Giant Spider's poison
Two-headed Hound
Some says that this creature is a failure of the Chimera experiment, but it has not been confirmed. Its two heads do not seem to get along well with each other.
A female Lihorn that has a smaller body but has stronger horns than a male. Its back horn especially is more dangerous than the others.
Sand Lihorn
A Lihorn that has a sand-colored body. Take heed of this creature, since it can raid adventurers without any pre-warning.
A chimera that has a lion's body and eagle wings. It is extremely violent and emotionally unstable.
A chimera that has bat wings and a lizard tail. It thumps its enemies by using strong paws, and a survivor testified that he felt as if he was going to die as soon as he was hit by the paws.
Blade Peryton
A restless Peryton with sharp-bladed wings. It stands on its feet and wields the wings just like a man would do.
A creature that has extremely sharp metal legs.
Lakeside* It's impossible to confirm the map code of this Map.
There look like Green Despair
Bloody Orc
A keeper of the Lake Side entrance. Countless numbers of people have been victimized by his spear while trying to enter the place.
Bloody Orc Mage
An Orc Mage that attacks with magic from afar. Rumor has it that it takes a funny pose when casting magic spells, but no one has lasted that long to witness the pose.
Dark Gnoll
A creature that looks like a human. It is suspected to be close to humans in the old age considering its delicate weapon and armor.
Dark Gnoll Mage
A blind Gnoll Mage whose intelligence and sensitive ears make up for the weakness.
Bloody Harpy Slave
A harpy with hands tied up at the back that is rumored to be an escaped slave. It bites its enemies with a strong jaw and poisonous teeth.
Bloody Harpy Warrior
Every Harpy is known to be female. However, the Lake Side expedition has discovered that there are actually male Harpys, although no one knows if they evolved or were mutated from females.
Dark Troll
A troll with a spiky bat. Unlike its smiley face, it is known to be a merciless monster.
Bloody Ogre
A giant Ogre that is dull in everything except for fights.
Iron Gargoyle
An artificial creature that is made with iron. It stands motionless on the same spot, just like the other Gargoyles until an enemy gets near to it, and then attacks the enemy without any pre-warning. Has similar skin to an Iron Golem.
Dark Minotaurus
A frightening looking Minotaur that carries a giant axe.
Iron Golem
A golem that is made out of iron. An ordinary weapon would not even make a scratch on it.
Berderk Faello
The most powerful creature within the Lake Side areas that have been discovered so far.
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